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To connect PlayPussy with API-ready furniture, user needs to enable the feature at PlayPussy Action Hud


The AVSitter API is designed exclusively for AVSitter furniture, any furniture using different system will not be able to integrate with this API. The workflow of setting up this API is also designed to mimic the familiar AVSitter workflow.

VERY IMPORTANT: To incorporate this API into your furniture, you need basic editing skills, which we cannot teach. 

Please note that  the API can only trigger the following functions;

1) Vagina Opening 

2) Vagina Penetration Speed

3) Vagina Penetration Depth

4) Clitoris Action Design

5) Clitoris Action Speed

6) Sticky Design

7) Sticky Direction

8) Sticky Transparency

PlayPussy AVSitter API consists of the following items;


1) Notecard - AVpos-PlayPussy (copy, transfer, mod)

2) Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API - Sitter (copy, transfer, no mod)

3) Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API - Action (copy, transfer, no mod)

4) Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API Validator (copy, no transfer, no mod)

             API CODE FORMAT

                               SYNC Start Ride|VP010101|CA0105|SK0303100

  VP Section                       CA Section                     SK Section

Menu button name,

copy from AVPos

Vagina Opening

Range (00-10)

Vagina Penetration Speed

Range (00-10)

Vagina Penetration Depth

Range (00-05)

Clitoris Action Design

Range (00-03)

Clitoris Action Speed

Range (00-05)

Sticky Transparency

Range (100-010)

100 = Solid, 0% transparency

010 = invisble, 90% transparency

Sticky Direction

Range (00-05)

Sticky Design

Range (00-03)


1) copy and paste the furniture's "AVpos" notecard into "AVpos-PlayPussy" notecard,

2) Replace all related animation names with PlayPussy AVSitter API code

3) Drag and drop the following into the furniture, in sequence;


i)   Notecard - AVPos-PlayPussy (copy, transfer, mod)

ii)  Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API - Sitter (copy, transfer, no mod)

iii) Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API - Action (copy, transfer, no mod)

iv) Script - [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API Validator (copy, no transfer, no mod)

IMPORTANT:- don't delete original "AVpos" notecard from the furniture

IMPORTANT:- notecard "AVpos-PlayPussy" is case sensitive

IMPORTANT:- please drop the same number of copies of script [CH] PlayPussy AVSitter API - Sitter as the TOTAL number of sitters (incl male sitters) in the furniture. eg; 1 sitter = 1 script, 2sitter = 2 script, 

IMPORTANT:- For poses that you do not wish to trigger any API function,

i)  Please use "VP00000|CA0000|SK000000".

ii) Alternately, it can be left untouched as original AVPos lines, although it will appear as error during validation, but it won't affect it's functionality.

AVpos-PlayPussy EXAMPLE;

Original line in "AVPos";

SYNC Start Ride|125_lisa

API Replaced line in "AVpos-PlayPussy";

SYNC Start Ride|VP010101|CA0105|SK0303100


AVpos notecard original from Furniture

Modified AVpos-PlayPussy

Modified content in AVpos-PlayPussy

AVSitter API Validator Guide


Validator script is an additional feature in screening for errors in AVPos-PlayPussy notecard, and it's optional. The possible errors detected by the script are as follow;

1) Missing Data Section
2) Data with missing or additional digit
3) Missing line entirely when compared with original AVPos notecard

For clarity. any data line with error will also be shown after the error message.


The validator script will automatically start scanning after being dropped into furniture. The script will self-delete upon completion. To perform another round of validating, user needs to drop another validator script into the furniture.

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